Education Costs for 457 Visa Holders in ACT

ACT Territory Education Fees for Children of Parents on 457 Visas.

$9,320 for each kindergarten student
$12,500 for each primary school student
$13,900 for each high school student

Education Costs for 457 Visa Holders in ACT

ACT Territory Education Fees for Children of Parents on 457 Visas.

The annual contribution payable by a family in the ACT on a 457 visa for 2017 would be:

  • $9,320 for each kindergarten student
  • $12,500 for each primary school student
  • $13,900 for each high school student

457 Visa Fee Exemption

Education Fees for Children of Parents on 457 Visas, whose Occupation is listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) may be eligible for a Fee Exemption.

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Starting School Age:

In the ACT, children must be four years of age by 30 April in the year they commence preschool.
They must be five years of age on or before 30 April of the year of commencement of Kindergarten.
A child is of compulsory education age from the age of six.

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