The popular British spread Marmite can be found in Australia,  but under an alternative name for legal reasons.
Our Mate
Our Mate – The British Marmite sold in Australia
but beware… there is an imposter about…
Australian Marmite
but it is nothing like the British one.
Australian Vegemite
Vegemite is also a popular Australian product, that people either love or hate, and you may wish to try it…
but again, nothing like British Marmite / Our Mate.
The Mish-Mash Dictionary of Marmite
A book for all tastes – literally. No matter where you stand on the big Marmite ‘love-hate’ debate, you will find something in it to your liking.
As the title indicates, it contains a mish-mash of information – from serious to silly with lots in between – about the iconic British spread.
you can find them in arndale shopping center in Croydon Melbourne woolworths $4.99
@NZder. As you say, the version of Marmite that is available in Australia, under that name, is made in New Zealand.
Sanitarium has the exclusive right to the Marmite name in Australasia, so Unilever, who make the British “Marmite”, sells this British made Marmite as “Our Mate” in Australia and New Zealand.
We need some “real taste tests” to check the preferences of people, although I personally do not like either of the two “Marmites” or Vegemite.
Marmite is made in nz not aussie. the factory was distroyed in the quake and it is quite rare now until it goes back into production. It is not an aussie product.
Just saying know your facts brits before you post something like this and marmite is amazing. ourmate (according to a friend of mine) tastes exactly like vegemite which is way too bitter
Our mate, 125g, $4.75, Coles hypermarket, Aspley, 4034
just found marmite at franklins!
I just bought a 125g jar of OUR MATE in Evans Head, NSW today. It was in a Spar supermarket. Cost about $3.50.
I actually noticed it in Coles 2 days ago. It is $5.13 on the Coles website for that same 125g jar.
Still not showing on the Woolworths website though.
Try the independent stores like ‘Foodworks’ and ‘IGA’, also a lot of the Coles and Woolworths stores do stock it, but they seem to have moved it to the section with the Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free products…
The back-stories to Kiwi Marmite; Vegemite etc – and why REAL Marmite has to be sold as Our Mate are all in my book: “The Mish-Mash Dictionary of Marmite”. It’s informative, entertaining, serious, fun… but then I would say that!
Find out all about it at:; Mish-Mash Marmite Facebook.
Buy it from The Book Depository (free postage all over the world)… The Mish-mash Dictionary of Marmite Thanks, Maggie Hall, Whitby, Yorkshire.
It is available in Pick’n pay in Sunnybank Hills. It costs $4.79 for 125 grams but they somehow only charged me $3.51. This store also stocks other UK products eg Colmans mustard, Robinsons Barley water etc
Woolworth have just advised me that they do not stock “Our Mate”.
I have asked Unilever in the UK if they are able to help.
The Woolworths in Victoria Point used to sell it, and so did ALDI a while ago, but I haven’t seen it recently, but then I haven’t looked for it either.
I’ll have to look when I am at the shops next time.
Hope it isn’t discontinued !!
This used to be for sale in local Coles and Woolies, but it seems to have disappeared. Anyone seen it for sale in the South Brisbane (ie Cleveland) area please?
Can get original Marmite in Oz shop, but $18.00 a jar.
Many thanks.