Average Hourly Wage rates rise by 2.96% from June 2009 to June 2010

According to the ABS 6345.0 – Labour Price Index, the increase in the trend wage index through the year to June quarter 2010 for all employee jobs in Australia was 2.96%.

Employees in the Public Sector averaged 4.03%
Employees in the Private Sector averaged 2.67%

Tasmania had the greatest increase for the year, using the original figures, of a 3.8% rise.

Each States rise for the year was:

  1. 3.8% Tas
  2. 3.5% ACT
  3. 3.4% WA
  4. 3.4% NT
  5. 3.3% QLD
  6. 3.2% NSW
  7. 2.8% Vic
  8. 2.8% SA

Total rises over the last 10 years have been:

  1. 50.07% WA
  2. 45.77% ACT
  3. 44.68% QLD
  4. 43.77% Tas
  5. 43.58% SA
  6. 43.33% NSW
  7. 42.23% NT
  8. 41.79% Vic


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