Uber Drivers in Australia

Uber Drivers in Australia
Some States of Australia deems the Uber ride share service as Illegal, while in others it is legal.
It is legal in…….

Uber Drivers in Australia

Uber Drivers in Australia

Some States of Australia deems the Uber ride share service as Illegal, while in others it is legal.

Currently it is legal to be a Uber driver in New South Wales and the ACT.

From September 5th, 2016 it will be Legal in Queensland.

The Victorian Government are discussing the change towards the end of 2016.

Uber in ACT: LEGAL

Uber in NSW: LEGAL

Uber in NT: If Labor wins the Northern Territory election, they will legalise Uber.

Uber in QLD: Queensland has been prosecuting Uber drivers, but Uber is now set to be legal from September 2016.

Uber in SA: From July 1 ride-sharing became legal for drivers who have paid a fee and gone through a series of checks, including government-mandated national criminal history checks, a driving history check and a vehicle inspection.

Uber in Victoria: The Victorian government is prosecuting Uber drivers.

Uber in Tasmania: The Liberal government has given a temporary reprieve to allow Uber drivers to operate in Tasmania if they pass all the public safety tests required for a hire car service under Tasmanian law.

Uber in WA: Western Australia is taking steps toward legalising and regulating ride sharing

The Australian Tax Office have ruled that anyone providing a ride-share service (such as Uber and all taxi drivers) must have an ABN and register for GST.

Although Uber classifies drivers as independent contractors, workplace law experts have stated that Uber drivers would be considered as employees under Australian workplace law.

The Fair Work Commission in Western Australia has rejected a claim for unfair dismissal when an employee was terminated after finding he was also working as a Uber driver in spare time. He had breached his contract by failing to get permission to undertake “other work”.

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