Unemployment Rate in Australia in June 2015

The number of people employed increased by 7,300 to 11,768,600 in June 2015 (seasonally adjusted).
Full-time employment increased for females (up 17,500)
Full-time employment increased for males (up 7,000).
Part-time employment decreased for females (down 10,600)
Part-time employment decreased for males (down 6,600).

Australia’s unemployment rate increased to 6.0 per cent in June 2015

Australia’s estimated seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for June 2015 was 6.0 per cent, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from a revised 5.9 per cent for May 2015.
In trend terms, the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.0 per cent, as announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on 9th July 2015.

The number of people employed increased by 7,300 to 11,768,600 in June 2015 (seasonally adjusted).

Full-time employment increased for females (up 17,500)
Full-time employment increased for males (up 7,000).

Part-time employment decreased for females (down 10,600)
Part-time employment decreased for males (down 6,600).

The total number of people unemployed increased by 12,800 to 756,100.
The number of people unemployed, looking for full-time work, increased by 27,200 to 541,200.

Net Number changes:

+ 7,300 more employed in total
+ 12,800 more unemployed in total
= 20,100 more people.

Australia’s Population clock states: “an overall total population increase of one person every 1 minute and 22 seconds”, this works out at a population increase of about 31,000 per month.
These figures would therefore mean that about 11,000 more people added to the 20,100 figure above as new people, from babies above, who are not in the workforce.

ABS Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0)

Unemployment Rate Graph 1994-2015

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