Australian Aged Pension Eligibility – Income

Income Requirement to be eligible for the Australian Aged Pension.

Services Australia (Centrelink) have income limit requirements, for someone to be eligible for the Australian Aged pension.

It is called the “Income test for pensions“.

Centrelink assess your and your partner’s income from all sources, to carry out this Income test.

Single Pensioner Aged Pension Income Limit

Basically a Single Pensioner can earn $180 per fortnight before losing any Australian Pension entitlement.

Any income over $180 per fortnight will cause their Australian Pension to be reduced by 50 cents for each dollar over.

Married Pensioner Aged Pension Income Limit

A married pensioner can earn $320 per fortnight before losing any Australian Pension entitlement.

Any income over $320 per fortnight will cause their Australian Pension to be reduced by 50 cents for each dollar over.

A single person with an income of $2,085.40 per fortnight would lose all entitlement to the aged pension.
A couple living together, with a combined income of $3,192.40 per fortnight would lose all entitlement to the aged pension.


These figures are current at July 2021.

Any changes can be checked at:…/income-test-pensions

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