Australian Unemployment Rate for September 2014 is 6.1 per cent

Australian Unemployment Rate for September 2014 is 6.1 per cent

Australia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased 0.1 percentage points to 6.1 per cent in September 2014, as announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

This varied from 9.2% for Males in Tasmania down to 3.31% for Males in the Australian Capital Territory (Canberra)

The seasonally adjusted labour force participation rate decreased 0.2 percentage points to 64.5 per cent in September 2014.

The ABS reported the number of people employed decreased by 29,700 to 11,592,500 in September 2014 (seasonally adjusted). The decrease in employment was driven by decreased part-time employment for both females (down 31,600 persons) and males (down 19,700 persons). In trend terms the number of people employed increased by 5,600 in September 2014.

The ABS monthly seasonally adjusted aggregate hours worked series decreased in September 2014, down 15.0 million hours (0.9%) to 1,591.3 million hours.

The seasonally adjusted number of people unemployed increased by 11,000 to 746,600 in September 2014, the ABS reported.

September 2014 Unemployment rate – looking for full-time work

New South Wales 

Males ; 5.32%
Females ; 6.92%


Males ; 6.40%
Females ; 7.48%


Males ; 5.72%
Females ; 7.78%

South Australia

Males ; 6.25%
Females ; 6.86%

Western Australia

Males ; 4.86%
Females ; 5.24%


Males ; 9.20%
Females ; 8.39%

Northern Territory

Males ; 4.18%
Females ; 2.56%

Australian Capital Territory

Males ; 3.31%
Females ; 3.74%

Source: 6202.0 Labour Force, Australia. Released Oct 2014
Table 11. Labour force status by Sex – Australian Capital Territory – Trend and Original

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