Big Four Australian Banks Remove ATM Fees

Australian Banks announce the Removal of ATM Fees

On 24th September 2017, the CBA, Westpac, ANZ and NAB announced the removal of fees incurred on their ATM’s when used by non bank customers.

Australian Banks announce the Removal of ATM Fees

On 24th September 2017, the CBA, Westpac, ANZ and NAB announced the removal of fees incurred on their ATM’s when used by non bank customers.

This may come into effect in October with some banks.

NAB ATM Fees 24th September 2017:

NAB has today announced it will remove ATM withdrawal fees for everyone using any of its NAB ATMs around the country.

“We’re pleased to now extend this so that all Australians, regardless of whether they bank with NAB or not, can use any of our ATMs and not be charged a cash withdrawal fee,”

CBA ATM Fees 24th September 2017:

From now on, the Commonwealth Bank branded ATMs will no longer charge ATM withdrawal fees.

“It’s a little thing, but we hope you’ll agree, it’s a welcome change. Excludes Bankwest ATMs and international cards.”

Westpac ATM Fees 24 September, 2017:

Westpac today announced that non-Westpac Group customers will no longer be charged an ATM withdrawal fee when they use one of Westpac Group’s ATMs.

“We want all Australians, whether they are Westpac Group customers or not, to benefit from one of Australia’s largest ATM networks.”…/media

ANZ ATM Fees 24 September, 2017:

ANZ today announced it would remove fees for all non-ANZ customers using its fleet of automatic teller machines anywhere in Australia.

“The change will impact non-ANZ customers who are currently charged a $2 fee when they use an ANZ ATM. ANZ customers are not currently charged when they use one of ANZ’s more than 2,300 machines. “While we had been actively working on how we provide fee free ATMs for our customers, we have decided to remove these fees all together from October.”

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