Category: State-Suburb Information
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Current Northern Territory Time
Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia.
Darwin has a population of about 121,000, and is the largest and most populated city in the Northern Territory, but it is… Read the rest
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Current ACT Time
IN PROGRESS… Read the rest
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Current Tasmania Time
Tasmania is an Australian island and state of the same name. It is located 240 kilometres south of the eastern side of the continent, being separated from it by Bass Strait. The state of… Read the rest
Perth, West Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Current West Australia Time
Perth is the Major City in the West of Australia
The following from:
Boasting thousands of kilometres of white sandy beaches, amazing scenery, endless blue skies and a modern yet relaxed… Read the rest
Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia
Current South Australia Time
Adelaide Airport to Adelaide City
Taxi from Adelaide Airport to the City: Journey time approx 15 minutes cost approx. $20.00 (Actual in Nov 2010 was $24.20)
Some Airport transfer services charge about $65… Read the rest
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Current Time in Victoria Australia is:
Capital City of Victoria
The Capital City of Victoria (Vic) is Melbourne, famous for events such as the Melbourne Cup, the Australian Tennis Open and the Bells Beach Surf Classic. Some… Read the rest
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Current Queensland Time
Cairns Min and Max Temperatures April 2009… Read the rest
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, Australia
NSW uses EST during Winter, and EDT during Summer
Capital City of New South Wales
The Capital City of New South Wales (NSW) is Sydney, famous for its Bridge and the Opera House, amongst many other… Read the rest
State Information
Information for Major Cities in each Australian State
Australian New House Prices 1987-2009
New House price changes for each Australian Capital City from 1987 to 2009
Median New House price changes for each of the Australian States… Read the rest
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Brisbane is the third Major City in Australia, ranking in size after Sydney and Melbourne.
2011 Census Population:
Australian Bureau of Statistics for Brisbane
2,065,996 Greater Brisbane (Greater Capital City Statistical Area)
1,079,400 Brisbane LGA (Local Government… Read the rest