Centrelink (Australia) and Department of Social Security (UK)

For those of us who left the UK sometime ago, this bit of info may be news to us:

The Department of Social Security (DSS) is a defunct governmental agency in the United Kingdom, which was superseded by the Department of Work and Pensions who are responsible for welfare and pension policy in the UK.

Contacts for each countries comparable departments that deal with Pensions, Child Support payments and other social security benefits.


In Australia these benefits are handled by the Department of Human Services, which now encompasses Centrelink.
Their main contact page is at: http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/contact-us/write-message-us

You are able to write to them at these addresses or email via the contact links on that page or FAX them on the numbers supplied, also on that page.


Reply Paid 7800
Canberra BC ACT 2610


GPO Box 9822
In your capital city

Child Support

Child Support
GPO Box 9815
Melbourne VIC 3001

Child Support general enquires:   1300 309 949

Centrelink International Services

Centrelink International Services
Po Box 7809
Canberra BC, ACT 2610
Fax: 03 6222 2799
Outside Australia: +61 3 6222 2799


The Department for Work and Pensions
Main website: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/contact-us/

This is divided into four operational organisations:

Jobcentre Plus – Employment and Support Allowance.

The Pension Service – State Pensions.

Claiming your State Pension for the first time
Telephone: 0800 731 7898

Enquiries about State Pension or to report a change of circumstance
Telephone: 08456 060 265
Textphone: 0800 731 7339
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

If you’re abroad and have a state pension enquiry contact the International Pension Centre.

The Disability and Carers Service – Disability.
The Child Maintenance Group – Child Support Scheme, Child Support Agency.


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