Education in Victoria, Australia
The Victorian Government is providing a one-off School Start Bonus of $300.00 for each student entering Prep or Year 7 in 2010.
This School Start Bonus is not means tested, and has no connection with Centrelink.
The Cost of State Schooling in Victoria
Although State schooling is technically classed as free, there are some costs involved, these can include:
- stationery,
- text books
- school uniforms
- Extra curricular programs or activities, including school camps etc
- voluntary donations, which almost everyone seems to pay
More details can be found at:
Financial Assistance for Education in Victoria:
School Term dates for Melbourne and Victoria
There are 4 school terms in Victoria, the same as most, but not all, States in Australia
The 2010 Term dates are:
- Term 1 : 1st February to 26th March
- Term 2 : 12th April to 25th June
- Term 3 : 12th July to 17th September
- Term 4 : 4th October to 17th December
These are the dates for 2011
- Term 1 :
- Term 2 :
- Term 3 :
- Term 4 :
Government schools in Victoria welcome enrolments for children who turn five years of age by April 30 of the year in which they start school.
Children between the age of six and 15 years must attend school.
My calculation, for the ages at which a child would START each year, is therefore as follows:
Primary School
- Prep – 4 yrs 9 mth to 5 yrs 9 mth
- Year 1 – 5 yrs 9 mth to 6 yrs 9 mth
- Year 2 – 6 yrs 9 mth to 7 yrs 9 mth
- Year 3 – 7 yrs 9 mth to 8 yrs 9 mth
- Year 4 – 8 yrs 9 mth to 9 yrs 9 mth
- Year 5 – 9 yrs 9 mth to 10 yrs 9 mth
- Year 6 – 10 yrs 9 mth to 11 yrs 9 mth
Secondary School
- Year 7 – 11 yrs 9 mth to 12 yrs 9 mth
- Year 8 – 12 yrs 9 mth to 13 yrs 9 mth
- Year 9 – 13 yrs 9 mth to 14 yrs 9 mth
- Year 10 – 14 yrs 9 mth to 15 yrs 9 mth
- Year 11 – 15 yrs 9 mth to 16 yrs 9 mth
- Year 12 – 16 yrs 9 mth to 17 yrs 9 mth
Kindergarten is a one-year education program in the year before school,
primarily for children aged four years. Most children attend primary school from
Prep to Year 6, and Secondary school from Year 7 to Year 12.
For public primary schools (except Catholic primary schools), a child will
attend the school that is in his or her neighbourhood’s ‘zone’.
Neighbourhood schools have an obligation to accept any student who lives in
their zone. If you wish to send your child to a different school, you have to
contact the new school directly. A position will be offered if there is one
available, however zoning takes priority.
2008 VCE Results
The top schools for Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results in 2008 are:
- 1: MacRobertson Girls High School (Selective entry State School) 2009 School Report
- 2: Ruyton Girls School (Private)
- 3: Melbourne High School (Selective entry State School)
- 4: Mount Scopus Memorial College (Private)
- 5: Yeshivah College (Private)
- 5: Leibler Yavneh College (Private)
- 7: Beth Rivkah Ladies College (Private)
- 7: Camberwell Girls Grammar (Private)
- 7: Presbyterian Ladies College (Private)
- 10: Bialik College (Private)
Victoria School Reports
Details and Reports for all Schools in Victoria
Overseas Education
Equivalent Qualifications
A Statement of Equivalent Qualification can be issued to people who have educational qualifications from overseas that are judged by the Authority to be equivalent to Year 11 or Year 12 level.
Summary of overseas equivalent qualifications for VCE – Year 12
- United Kingdom:
- General Certificate of Education (GCE): 2 A-levels and 3 O-levels (Before 1986). Grades A-E are passing grades. Since 1986 passes in 2 GCE A-levels and 3 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects
Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE). Marked on a scale of A-F, F being a fail. Three subjects passed in the Higher Grade
Sourced from:
Useful Websites
Some useful websites for school information