First Home Buyer Home Loans in NSW

The average First Home buyers loan has averaged between 84% and 104% of the Non First Home Buyer, since 1991, when comparing the figures for November of each year.

That percentage has been reducing over the year, with the 1990’s being 96%, the 2000’s being 95% and the 2010’s being down to 88% average.

First Home Buyer Home Loans in NSW

First Home Buyer Home Loans in New South Wales

The average First Home buyers loan has averaged between 84% and 104% of the Non First Home Buyer, since 1991, when comparing the figures for November of each year.
That percentage has been reducing over the year, with the 1990’s being 96%, the 2000’s being 95% and the 2010’s being down to 88% average.

New South Wales Home Loans: First Home Buyer (FHB) and Non First Home Buyer (Non FHB)

This chart shows each November with the number of loans, and the average value of these loans, between each group.

It clearly shows that the periods 1999 to 2001 and 2005 to 2011 was a very popular period for First Home Buyers, with over 3,000 First Home Buyers in each of those periods.


Month No of FHB FHB Average Loan No of Non FHB Non FHB Ave Loan
Nov-1991 1,041 $80,500 8,571 $89,100
Nov-1992 1,815 $95,500 7,933 $94,700
Nov-1993 2,682 $102,500 10,049 $103,400
Nov-1994 2,656 $106,400 10,044 $108,500
Nov-1995 2,654 $105,000 9,756 $117,600
Nov-1996 2,626 $123,100 10,135 $126,600
Nov-1997 2,464 $130,600 10,062 $143,000
Nov-1998 2,582 $148,500 10,456 $155,600
Nov-1999 3,074 $172,600 14,943 $165,500
Nov-2000 3,364 $144,400 13,474 $151,900
Nov-2001 4,293 $180,600 14,320 $192,300
Nov-2002 2,474 $197,500 14,156 $207,900
Nov-2003 2,107 $237,900 15,506 $235,400
Nov-2004 2,292 $259,700 13,236 $262,900
Nov-2005 3,266 $259,300 14,220 $265,000
Nov-2006 3,496 $252,300 15,326 $258,700
Nov-2007 3,764 $250,000 14,645 $284,400
Nov-2008 3,684 $282,400 9,508 $303,800
Nov-2009 3,694 $312,900 11,047 $334,500
Nov-2010 2,375 $308,300 11,331 $357,700
Nov-2011 3,927 $293,600 12,337 $336,100
Nov-2012 1,803 $328,100 12,852 $346,000
Nov-2013 1,862 $330,200 14,862 $357,500
Nov-2014 1,752 $333,800 13,700 $380,300
Nov-2015 1,430 $391,300 17,561 $462,600
Nov-2016 1,490 $379,700 17,187 $450,600

Average Home Loans in all of New South Wales from 1975 to 2016

$ 18,200 Nov-1975
$ 20,300 Nov-1976
$ 21,800 Nov-1977
$ 23,800 Nov-1978
$ 25,100 Nov-1979
$ 27,800 Nov-1980
$ 28,400 Nov-1981
$ 29,800 Nov-1982
$ 32,500 Nov-1983
$ 39,400 Nov-1984
$ 42,000 Nov-1985
$ 46,500 Nov-1986
$ 53,500 Nov-1987
$ 63,000 Nov-1988
$ 67,000 Nov-1989
$ 69,300 Nov-1990
$ 73,900 Nov-1991
$ 81,100 Nov-1992
$ 87,100 Nov-1993
$ 92,200 Nov-1994
$ 96,300 Nov-1995
$102,900 Nov-1996
$114,800 Nov-1997
$126,300 Nov-1998
$137,800 Nov-1999
$126,200 Nov-2000
$153,600 Nov-2001
$168,000 Nov-2002
$191,100 Nov-2003
$210,400 Nov-2004
$219,100 Nov-2005
$227,700 Nov-2006
$245,400 Nov-2007
$270,700 Nov-2008
$295,200 Nov-2009
$309,900 Nov-2010
$300,000 Nov-2011
$307,000 Nov-2012
$315,200 Nov-2013
$336,700 Nov-2014
$382,800 Nov-2015
$376,600 Nov-2016

Source: ABS 5609.0 – Housing Finance, Australia

First Home Buyer Home Loans in Sydney, NSW

2016 data from the ABS reports that the average loan for a home purchaser in New South Wales was $474,647 in October 2016, which is below the 2015 peak average loan of $484,571 recorded over November 2015. More..

It is also substantially higher than it was 6 years ago, in 2011.

However, the ABS reports that just 1,327 NSW first home buyer loans were approved in October 2016, compared to the average of 4,600 per month in late 2011.

First Home Buyer Home Loans December 2011 in Sydney

$296,900 was the peak average loan value for Sydney First Home Buyer purchases in December 2011, down from $317,000 in December 2009.

13,767 first home buyer loans were approved in NSW, in the quarter ended December 2011, which was 52 per cent higher than the same period in 2010.

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