House and Land Package Prices near Brisbane
Four Bedroom Houses from $248,000 to $616,000, and more.
Prices of Houses vary a lot based on:
House Size
Land Size
House Quality
Many of the new properties are sold as House and Land packages, although some people buy land first and then choose a house style to have built on that land.
Land sizes were commonly about 800sqm per house but this his been changing over time, and in the Inner City areas can be down as low as 300 sqm per house.
A bit further out and you still often get about the 800 sqm blocks, however, travel times, if you work in Brisbane, can be a bit more concerning.
Distance and Travel times for the two cheaper properties are 38 min (44.8 km) to Ipswich City Centre.
Note: You may wonder about the two times and distances shown below, which seem very different.
38 min (44.8 km) to Ipswich City Centre.
34 min (22.3 km) to Brisbane City Centre.
The reason is the type of roads for the two drives.
The road to Ipswich, from the West, is a 100kph freeway. (relaxed driving)
The road to Brisbane, from the East, is a mix of 80kph and 60 kph roads with traffic lights etc. (Frustrating traffic)
The following are just examples of two types of House and Land Packages near Brisbane (at Aug 2016). The Distance and Travel time is shown to the Brisbane CBD area, from each one.
Three Bedroom House and Land Packages:

On the Three bedroom example above, the cheaper property has 60% more land, yet is only 42% of the price of the more expensive one.
Four Bedroom House and Land Packages:

On the Four Bedroom ones above you will notice that the price is about double for these examples, but the cheaper one, at about half the price is on a block of land twice the size of the more expensive one.