Partner Visa Subclass 801

Onshore Permanent Partner Visa, Subclass 801

The Permanent Partner Visa Subclass 801, is activated after the subclass 820 section of this Partner Visa has been finalised.
You can be in or outside Australia when the Partner visa (subclass 801) is granted.

Cost of Partner Visa Subclass 801 application..

Onshore Permanent Partner Visa, Subclass 801

The Permanent Partner Visa Subclass 801 application, is activated after the subclass 820 section of this Partner Visa has been finalised. This is normally two years after the 820 application is submitted. The processing time for the 801 can vary a lot.

You can be in or outside Australia when the Partner visa (subclass 801) is granted.

Cost of Partner Visa Subclass 801 application

There is no extra charge for this application, as it is included in the main Subclass 820/801 Application.

Partner permanent visa (subclass 801)

  • you are permitted to enter or remain permanently in Australia.
  • you are entitled to work and study in Australia.
  • you may enrol in Australia’s medical benefits expenses and hospital care scheme, Medicare.
  • you may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria).
  • you are permitted to enter or remain in Australia.

Subclass 801 visa processing times

75 per cent of applications are processed within ​​16 months of application date.
A further 15 per cent of applications are processed between 16 and 20 months of application date.
About 10 per cent of applications take over 20 months.
(as at April 2017)

The 801 processing time begins 2 years after the combined 820/801 application is lodged.

Source: Department of Immigration and Border Protection: Subclass 801

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