Birth Control Pill Costs in Australia

A guide to the standard costs of Birth Control Pill options in Australia

The Birth Control Pill can cost from just $2.38 per month, but can be higher, such as $22.67 pm) depending on brand, and quantity bought at a time.
A Valid Australian Prescription Is Required for the Birth Control Pill.

A guide to the standard costs of Birth Control Pill options in Australia

  • $28.50 (12 months at $ 2.38 per month) Microgynon 50ED Tablets 12 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $11.50 (4 months at $ 2.88 per month) Microgynon 50 ED Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $11.50 (4 months at $ 2.88 per month) Trifeme Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $11.50 (4 months at $ 2.88 per month) Monofeme Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $11.50 (4 months at $ 2.88 per month) Levlen ED Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $13.99 (4 months at $ 3.50 per month) Microlut Tablets 4×28. (levonorgestrel)
  • $65.97 (12 months at $ 5.50 per month) Microgynon 30 ED Tablets 12 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $23.99 (4 months at $ 6.00 per month) Microgynon 30 ED Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $23.99 (4 months at $ 6.00 per month) Microgynon 30 ED Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $23.99 (4 months at $ 6.00 per month) Triquilar Ed Tablets 4×28 . (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $24.69 (4 months at $ 6.17 per month) Nordette 28 Tablets 4×28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $24.69 (4 months at $ 6.17 per month) Triphasil Tablets 4 x 28. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $27.69 (4 months at $ 6.92 per month) Microgynon 30 Tablets 4 x 21. (ethinyloestradiol + levonorgestrel)
  • $18.99 ($18.99 per month) Juliet 35ED Tablets 28 (Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone)
  • $37.99 (3 months at $12.67 per month) Juliet 35ED Tablets 3×28 (Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone)
  • $67.99 (3 months at $22.67 per month) Diane 35ED Tablets 3×28 (Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone)

Prices quoted on 3rd May 2016 at Australian Nationwide Chemist Chain
A Valid Australian Prescription Is Required for these items

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