Category: Animals and Pets
Quarantine for Dogs and Cats in Australia
Quarantine Costs and Periods for Importing Dogs and Cats
Australian Quarantine Costs for Cats and Dogs
The fee structure for Dog and Cat Quarantine Costs in Australia in 2015 is now: $480 First cat or dog in a consignment ($120… Read the restVet Supply Products
Vet Supply Products
Current Price Examples from [jsoncontentimporter url=”$t27mS4ZO9jLuY65z$juCUvJHii@iE@4C4xOus6q$$seP77fPi8O3k9a7q6@i78rv9@v6suLHt4$b39I$gzeyb6Jj90q7dkqGVv1o=/” numberofdisplayeditems=”200″]{Name}
AUD {PriceSale} [/jsoncontentimporter]… Read the restCat and Dog Flea Treatments in Australia
Costs of Flea Treatment for Cats and Dogs
Flea and Tick Treatments for Pets
There are two types of ticks in Australia that can affect your pet – the very dangerous paralysis tick, and the brown dog tick. Both types… Read the restDangerous and Restricted Dogs in Australia
Dangerous and Restricted Dogs in Australia
Australia has banned the import of the following dogs into the country: Dogo Argentino (Argentinean fighting dog); Fila Brasiliero (Brazilian fighting dog) Japanese tosa (Japanese fighting dog) American pit bull terrier or pit bull… Read the restThe Australian Redback spider is in Britain
In the news from the Sun newspaper….
Killer spiders from Australia invading Britain
SCARY spiders from Down Under with a painful bite that can KILL are being found all over Britain The Australian redback, a relative of the Black Widow,… Read the restPet Travel Services
Importing your pet to Australia
Bringing your Pet to Australia can be expensive, I have seen figures range from £1,500 to £2,400 for the basic cost of transportation to the Airport in Australia. I have also seen a figure quoted… Read the restSnakes in Australia
Australian Snakes
Q: Are there many deaths from snakebite in Australia?
A: About 2-4 each year appears to be the number most quoted for this question.
Most snakes attempt to avoid biting humans, but many will do so in… Read the rest
Scorpions in Australia
Australian Scorpions
Australian scorpions can give a painful sting but are not considered dangerous.
Scorpions are mostly nocturnal but they can be active during the day, especially during prolonged wet weather. There are 29 species of Scorpion in Australia.… Read the rest
Spiders in Australia
Australian Spiders
Keeping Spiders out of the house
Most people have their houses sprayed by a Pest Control company on an annual basis, and this definately helps to keep most insects away. The cost of this may be around… Read the rest
Crocodiles in Australia
Crocodiles in Australia
Both the Saltwater and Freshwater crocodiles frequent Australia’s northern regions, and care must be taken when in areas where they may be active.
September to May is the Australian crocodile breeding season, and they tend to be… Read the rest
Ants in Australia
Ants in Australia
Painful Ants
In general ants are mainly a nuisance pest rather than a health problem, although there are a few Ants in Australia that can cause an allergic reaction.
These ants are normally known as: Jumping Jack,… Read the rest
The Koala in Australia
The Koala is not a bear, but is an Australian marsupial mammal, which means it has a pouch and suckles its young.
The adult Koala weighs between 5 and 10 kilos, and has a normal lifespan… Read the rest
Something may have been here.. I need to check.… Read the rest
The Kangaroo in Australia
The Kangaroo is a typically Australian Animal.
The kangaroo is one of Australia’s most iconic animals, and I was surprised to learn that there are over 60 different species of the kangaroo and their close relatives.… Read the rest
Mosquitoes in Australia
Mosquitoes can be a problem in some areas of Australia, and it may be worth checking on the area you intend to go to, if you feel it may be a problem for you. The Department of… Read the restPets in Australia
Bringing cats and dogs (and other pets) to Australia
How much does it cost to bring a Dog or Cat to Australia ?
In 2011 I looked at the cost of  bringing a dog into Australia and from the info… Read the restHousehold Pests in Australia
Household Pests in Australia
Pest Control
It is very common in Australia to have your house sprayed for pests on an annual basis. This commonly covers Spiders and Cockroaches, the main co-inhabitants of a house.
Having this done on a… Read the rest
Australian Wildlife
Australian Wildlife
Wildlife in Australia
The Koala and Kangaroo are the most commonly talked about of the native Australian wildlife, but Australia is full of many other animals and creatures, some dangerous, some not.
There are about 120 species… Read the rest
Poisonous Caterpillars in Australia
Poisonous Caterpillars in Australia
Poisonous Caterpillars
Some Australian caterpillars are armed with stinging hairs, that can cause severe reactions to humans. Having read about fatalities from this in some parts of the world, I checked in Australia but cannot locate… Read the rest