Snakes in Australia

Australian Snakes


Q: Are there many deaths from snakebite in Australia?
A: About 2-4 each year appears to be the number most quoted for this question.

Most snakes attempt to avoid biting humans, but many will do so in defence if they are deliberately provoked or accidentally disturbed.

There are about 120 species of snake in Queensland.

This link, from the Queensland Museum, is one of many with some information on them:

On checking for details on Deaths from Snakebites, I found this bit:

Even though snakebites happens regularly, (about 2000 per year), death from such an event is rare in Queensland and in the rest of Australia.

I found this quote “The most recent published survey of deaths from snakebite in Australia found a slightly higher death rate of around 3.2 deaths per year” at

and this one “Each year in Australia approximately 4,000 people are bitten. Of these 200 require antivenom treatment and one bite proves fatal.”

For a referral to a local snake collector contact the service listed for your state:

  • NSW: Wildlife and Information Rescue Service (WIRES), phone: (02) 8977 3333.
  • VIC: The Wildlife Care Network, phone: 0500 540 000
  • SA: Fauna Rescue, phone: 08 8289 0896, or Adelaide Snake Catchers, phone: 0413 665 483
  • QLD: QLD Parks and Wildlife Service, phone: (07) 3202 0220
  • WA: Conservation and Land Management (CALM), Wildlife Protection, phone: (08) 9334 0292 (BH), (08) 9334 0333 (AH)
  • NT: Darwin and Darwin Rural Snake Callout, phone: 0407 610 039
  • TAS: Department of Primary Industry, Water and Environment, Nature Conservation Branch, phone: (03) 6233 6556
  • ACT: ACT Parks and Conservation – Southside, phone: (02) 6207 2127; Northside, phone: (02) 6207 2113

Contact Numbers courtesy of:

Snakes often die when relocated but if you do want the snake removed for its own safety, contact Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) on 1300 130 372 (24 hours) or your local QPWS office to find out how to contact a local snake handler.

Alternatively, contact the Queensland Reptile and Amphibian Club on 07 3200 0266 for advice and information.

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