First Home Buyers Mortgages June 2011

First Home Buyers Mortgages June 2011

First Home Buyers Average Mortgage is $280,200 in June 2011.

The number of property sales to first home buyers in the 12 months ended June 2011 has dropped considerably in both the total number, and in the proportion of first home buyers to all property purchases that were financed when compared to the year ended June 2010.

In the year ended June 2010 there were 138,922 loans for First Home Buyers, which was 21.4% of the total of dwellings financed for both First Time and Non First Time buyers.

In the year ended June 2011 there were 90,210 loans for First Home Buyers, which was 15.6% of the total of dwellings financed for both First Time and Non First Time buyers.

This compared to the June 2010 year of: 138,922 loans for First Home Buyers (FHB), which was 21.4% of that years total.

Looking back 10 years at the June 2001 figures, there were 127,088 FHB finances which was 23.1% of the total.

The only similar June year ending period was 2004 with 88,400 FHB finances coming to only 13.4% of the total for that 12 months.

The Average First Home Buyers Loan size for the June of each of those years were:

Month Ave FHB Loan
Jun-2011 $280,200
Jun-2010 $283,800
Jun-2004 $205,000
Jun-2001 $135,000


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