Cost of Living Rankings Comparisons

Australia versus United Kingdom Cost of Living comparison

There are a few Cost of Living ranking sites available to compare the cost of living in each country, with one, Mercer, being very popular.

In this page we compare two sites with the following 2015 Rankings.  Both have London followed by Sydney as the two most expensive UK/Australia Cities. The Expatisan site has almost twice as many cities listed, with 7 Australian Cities compared the 6 with Mercer, and 12 UK cities compared to 5 with Mercer.

Expatistan 2015 Cost of Living rankings

  1. London, United Kingdom 270
  2. Sydney, Australia 213
  3. Cambridge, United Kingdom 209
  4. Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom 209
  5. Melbourne, Australia 205
  6. Brisbane, Australia 204
  7. Perth, Australia 199
  8. Aberdeen, United Kingdom 186
  9. Canberra, Australia 185
  10. Glasgow, United Kingdom 184
  11. Edinburgh, United Kingdom 176
  12. Bristol, United Kingdom 175
  13. Adelaide, Australia 175
  14. Leeds, United Kingdom 174
  15. Birmingham, United Kingdom 172
  16. Manchester, United Kingdom 171
  17. Gold Coast, Australia 165
  18. Belfast, United Kingdom 161
  19. Sheffield, United Kingdom 153

Mercer 2015 Cost of Living rankings

  1. London, United Kingdom
  2. Sydney, Australia
  3. Melbourne, Australia
  4. Perth, Australia
  5. Canberra, Australia
  6. Brisban , Australia
  7. Adelaide, Australia
  8. Birmingham, United Kingdom
  9. Aberdeen, United Kingdom
  10. Glasgow, United Kingdom
  11. Belfast, UK

If we compare just the 11 Cities that are in both rankings, we see that the 3 most expensive Cities; London, Sydney and Melbourne are the same position in each list, and the lowest cost one, Belfast, is also the same in each. The remaining 7 are only slightly different.

Perth, placed at 4 or 5 is the next closest in the two surveys.  Brisbane is either position 4 or 6, Canberra is either 5 or 7,  Adelaide is either 7 or 9, Birmingham and Glasgow are both either 8 or 10, with Aberdeen being the furthest apart in the two surveys at either position 6 or 9.


Mercer Expatistan
1 London 1 London
2 Sydney 2 Sydney
3 Melbourne 3 Melbourne
4 Perth 4 Brisbane
5 Canberra 5 Perth
6 Brisbane 6 Aberdeen
7 Adelaide 7 Canberra
8 Birmingham 8 Glasgow
9 Aberdeen 9 Adelaide
10 Glasgow 10 Birmingham
11 Belfast 11 Belfast

Adding in a Third Cost of Living Site, Numbeo, we get the following ranks, with CoL ranks from Numbeo.

Mercer Expatistan Numbeo Rank
1 London 1 London 1 London 92.58
2 Sydney 2 Sydney 2 Perth 85.57
3 Melbourne 3 Melbourne 3 Sydney 83.85
4 Perth 4 Brisbane 4 Brisbane 78.46
5 Canberra 5 Perth 5 Canberra 77.23
6 Brisbane 7 Canberra 7 Melbourne 76.36
7 Adelaide 8 Glasgow 8 Glasgow 76.29
8 Birmingham 9 Adelaide 9 Adelaide 76.00
10 Glasgow 10 Birmingham 10 Birmingham 74.43
11 Belfast 11 Belfast 11 Belfast 67.90

Melbourne appears very different in the Numbeo ranks, being in 7th position compared to 3rd in the other two surveys.

Combing the three surveys, we could get a ranking such as:

1 London
2 Sydney
3 Perth
4 Melbourne
5 Brisbane
6 Canberra
7 Adelaide
8 Glasgow
9 Birmingham
10 Belfast

London, Sydney and Belfast each remain in the same positions.

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