Mercer’s 2015 Cost of Living Survey

Mercer’s 2015 Cost of Living Survey

The 2015 Cost of Living survey from Mercer

London is again rated in the Top Twenty Most Expensive Cities in the World at position 12, with Birmingham being the next UK City at position 80. (Manchester is not listed on the results).  In between these two come 6 Australian Cities, with Sydney, at position 31, being Australia’s most expensive city to live.

Mercer’s Cost of Living Survey 2015

  • 12 London, United Kingdom
  • 31 Sydney, Australia
  • 47 Melbourne, Australia
  • 48 Perth, Australia
  • 65 Canberra, Australia
  • 66 Brisbane, Australia
  • 71 Adelaide, Australia
  • 80 Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • 82 Aberdeen, United Kingdom
  • 109 Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 119 Vancouver, Canada
  • 126 Toronto, Canada
  • 127 Belfast, United Kingdom

The overall World Cost of Living rankings show the Ten Most Expensive Cities worldwide in 2015 as:

  1. Luanda, Angola
  2. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Singapore, Singapore
  5. Geneva, Switzerland
  6. Shanghai, China
  7. Beijing, China
  8. Seoul, South Korea
  9. Bern, Switzerland
  10. N’Djamena, Chad

Rankings taken from:

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