Motoring in Melbourne and Victoria

Driving in Victoria, Australia

Carry your driving licence with you

If a learner driver does not have the licence with them, while driving a motor vehicle, they may be fined $155. (2018)

Permanent Resident

A Permanent Resident in Victoria is normally allowed to drive for 6 months before needing an Australian Licence, after that period they would be classed as driving without a valid licence.


Updated 2019

Overseas Driver Licence Six Month Limit in Victoria

A person on a Temporary or Visitors Visa is allowed to drive a private vehicle on a valid CURRENT driving licence from their own country, for as long as they have a valid visitors visa. for 6 months after arriving.

These visiting motorists are required to carry their licence (and English translation if applicable) at all times while driving and produce it to Police on request.

Production of their temporary visas may also be required as evidence of their temporary residential status.

All drivers are required to have their licence with them when they drive, but from January 2007 it is now an offence if drivers under the age of 26 cannot produce their licence to police when required to do so.


If you are the holder of a Private Vehicle Licence from the UK and other ‘recognised countries’, you are not required to sit the road rules theory test or the motorcycle theory test (if applicable), nor a road test.

To obtain a Full Victorian driver licence you must have held, and provide evidence that you have held, a licence for at least three years from your 18th birthday.

If you have not held a full overseas licence for 3 years you will be issued a Probationary Licence, this allows you to drive a car solo on the road.

If your licence is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An International Driver Permit is acceptable as a translation of a driver licence.

You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for a Victorian driver licence. No age exemptions apply. This will be for the Probationary License, ie: the one between Learner and Full License.

Victoria Driving Licence Fees 2020

Full or P2 probationary licences
$ 82.80 3 Year Licence
$283.60 10 Year Licence

P1 probationary licences
$110.30 4 Year Licence

$ 25.20 Learner permit…/driver-licence-and-learner-permit-fees

July 2010

    • Licence fee – 3 year = $47.70 ($46.60 2009)
    • Licence fee – 10 year = $162.20 ($158.60 2009)
Minimum driving age in Victoria, Australia

To get your Victoria learner permit you must be at least 16 years of age for a car.

To apply for your provisional licence in Victoria you must be at least 18 years of age

For motorcyclists the minimum age is 18 years, to get a motorcycle learner permit.

This must be held for 3 months continuously before applying for the motorcycle licence.

Speeding Fines and Demerit Points in Victoria – 2020

Fine for Km/h over the speed limit, and Demerit Points,

  • $207 By less than 10 km/h (1 Demerit Point)
  • $330 10 km/h – 24 km/h (3 Demerit Points)
  • $454 25 km/h – 29 km/h (and 3 months Automatic licence suspension)
  • $537 30 km/h – 34 km/h (and 3 months Automatic licence suspension)
    $620 35 km/h – 39 km/h (and 6 months Automatic licence suspension)
  • $702 40 km/h – 44 km/h (and 6 months Automatic licence suspension)
  • $826 By 45 km/h or more (and 12 months Automatic licence suspension)
  • $330 20 km/h – 24 km/h in a 110 km/h zone (and 3 months Automatic licence suspension)
Speeding Fines and Demerit Points in Victoria – 2010

Fine Demerit Points Km/h over the speed limit
$134 1 Not more than 9 km/h
$215 3 More than 9 km/h but not more than 24 km/h
$285 4 More than 24 km/h but not more than 34 km/h
$387 6 More than 34 km/h but not more than 44 km/h
$462 8 More than 44 km/h…/speed-limits

Victoria does not have double demerit points.
Drivers are allowed to accumulate 11 points before receiving a driver licence suspension.

Turning Right in Melbourne, Victoria (the Hook Turn)

In Melbourne, at some intersections where trams operate, you must do a ‘hook turn’ to turn right.

There will be a sign hanging overhead or on the side of the road for the intersections that this applies to.

Instructions on turning right using the Hook Turn from Vic Roads:

To do a hook turn a driver must:

  • Approach and enter the intersection from, as near as practicable, to the far left side of the road.
  • Move forward, keeping to the left of the intersection and clear of any marked foot crossing until the driver is as near as practicable to the far side of the road the driver is entering.
  • Then wait until the traffic lights on the road they are entering into turn green before they make the turn.

Source: Information For Tourists

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