Motoring in Canberra and the ACT

Driving in ACT

Permanent Resident

A Permanent Resident is normally allowed to drive for 3 months before needing an Australian Licence, after that period they would be classed as driving without a valid licence.


A person on a Temporary or Visitors Visa is allowed to drive a private vehicle on a valid CURRENT driving licence from their own country, for as long as they have a valid visitors visa.

These visiting motorists are required to carry their licence (and English translation if applicable) at all times while driving and produce it to Police on request.

Production of their temporary visas may also be required as evidence of their temporary residential status.

New arrivals from the UK, and other selected countries

No Theory Test, or Practical Test, is required for fully licenced UK Car Drivers.

A fully licensed, newly arrived migrant, can obtain an equivalent ACT Drivers licence on production of their UK licence together with the relevant forms and payment, without taking any tests, other than an eyesight test.

This MUST be done within THREE MONTHS of arrival, otherwise you would be classed as “Driving without a valid licence” and subject to Police Prosecution if caught.

If you hold a current driver licence from an approved country (This includes the UK), you will not be required to pass a practical driving assessment or a Road Rules Knowledge test.

ACT Driving Licence Fees

Jul 2008

  • Licence fee – 1 year = $ 40.30 (Normally a 5 year licence is issued)
  • Licence fee – 5 year = $ 141.90


Minimum driving age in ACT, Australia

To obtain your ACT Learner Licence you must be at least 15 years and nine months old. You must be at least 17 years old and have held a Learner Licence for at least six months before you can obtain a Provisional Licence.

ACT Registration and Licensing

Visiting drivers are not required to obtain an ACT Driver Licence providing their overseas licence and International Driving Permit are current.

A visiting driver is a person from overseas who arrives in the ACT with no intention of becoming a permanent resident.

This includes:

  • business people
  • people on working holiday visas
  • people studying or working temporarily in the ACT who intend to return to their home countries when they finish their courses or jobs.
Speeding Fines in Australian Capital Territory

2010 Penalties for speeding in ACT

  • Less than 15 km/h over the limit: $157 + one point.
  • 15 to 30 km/h over the limit: $245 + three points.
  • 31 to 45 km/h over the limit: $664 + four points.
  • More than 45 km/h over the limit: $1,811 + six points

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