Motoring Offences Christmas Day 2014 in Queensland

Queensland Christmas Road Safety Campaign

Statistics from the Queensland Poilce for the 24-hour period to midnight on Christmas Day:

6,311 random breath tests
30 roadside drug tests

56 people drink-driving
5 positive tests for drug

Highest Speed offence: 155kph in an 80kph zone on Double Jump Rd at Redland Bay.

Highest Drink Driving offence: 0.378 per cent Blood Alcohol content at Tanah Merah.

0 Fatal Traffic Incidents (0 in 2013)
0 Persons Killed (0 in 2013
9 Injury Traffic Incidents (19 in 2013)
14 Persons Injured (26 in 2013)

890 Speed Camera Detections (1,772 in 2013)
305 Speeding (Other) (262 in 2013)
13 Seat Belts (34 in 2013)
15 Mobile Phone Offences (13 in 2013)
349 Other Offences (286 in 2013)
682 Total Offences (infringements) (595 in 2013)

Christmas Road Safety Campaign – Day 3

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