Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa

Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa

Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa (subclass 400)

This is a temporary visa that lets you enter Australia to:

  • do short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
  • in limited circumstances, participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interests.

You must first arrive in Australia within six months of the date the visa is granted, or within a shorter time-frame if granted.

Generally you can stay in Australia for up to three months where required, but depending on your work or activity a longer period of up to six months might be allowed in limited circumstances.

  • Your stay period begins on the day you first enter Australia.
  • If your visa has been granted with multiple entries, you can travel to and from Australia during the stay period granted.

From 19 November 2016, the Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa (subclass 400) no longer includes an Invited Participant stream.…/400-


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