Passenger Vehicle Sales

Sales of New Motor Vehicles in Australia rose by 27.3% from April 2009 to April 2010, with Western Australia having the largest increase at 46.7%, and Northern Territory having the lowest increase at only 12.95%.

State Month Number Increase Change %
Australia Apr-09 63,965
Apr-10 81,401 17,436 27.26%
NSW Apr-09 19,596
Apr-10 23,616 4,020 20.51%
VIC Apr-09 16,395
Apr-10 22,660 6,265 38.21%
QLD Apr-09 13,801
Apr-10 16,326 2,525 18.30%
SA Apr-09 4,128
Apr-10 4,944 816 19.77%
WA Apr-09 7,043
Apr-10 10,331 3,288 46.68%
Tas Apr-09 1,146
Apr-10 1,406 260 22.69%
NT Apr-09 772
Apr-10 872 100 12.95%
ACT Apr-09 1,084
Apr-10 1,246 162 14.94%

The above figures are the original vehicle sales numbers from the ABS 9314.0 – Sales of New Motor Vehicles, Australia, Apr 2010

Total sales per month, using seasonally adjusted figures are:

Apr-10 23,616
Mar-10 29,083
Feb-10 25,708
Jan-10 22,820
Dec-09 26,848
Nov-09 26,559
Oct-09 24,251
Sep-09 24,367
Aug-09 22,704
Jul-09 23,472
Jun-09 31,089
May-09 22,958
Apr-09 19,596
Mar-09 23,550
Feb-09 21,969
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